Local Independent Telephone Engineers

Does my broadband router have to be plugged into the Main Socket to work?

Help is here! How refreshing – You can talk to a real Ex BT Telephone Engineer about your broadband problems, without spending an hour talking to a call centre in India, trying to understand what’s being said, or interject with their fixed script.


Get the Right Advice!

So many times I hear people say “But they told me my broadband will only work in a main socket, and not an extension”.. Absolute rubbish – Providing that you don’t have any faults on your telephone extension sockets or wiring, you will get similar speed, where ever your router is plugged in! Simple!

Does my Broadband Router have to be plugged into the Main Socket to work?

No! It should work in any socket, provided there are no faults with your own wiring. Think – your line travels from the exchange to your house, maybe 2 miles of cable. Just by adding 10 yards of cable, it’s not really going to degrade your signal! 🙂

So how can I help you?

Is your Service Provider telling you you have to pay £120 plus £70 an hour to get a fault fixed?


If your line is good at the test socket (with the front plate removed), then you may have an internal fault with your own telephone extension wiring. Then you will be charged if you call your service provider out.


If your line has a fault when you are plugged directly in to the main socket NTE5 test hole, then your fault is within the BT Network and as part of your line rental agreement, it will be fixed by BT free of charge. Ignore threats from the call centre in India, and simply explain your problems to the BT Engineer before letting him in, and i’m sure he will put your mind at rest.

Any more advice on broadband and main socket problems can be found on my website, or simply call me! It won’t take you 20 minutes to get through, and I speak the same language as you 🙂